Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Daily Show

The Daily show episode that I watched aired July 22nd, 2014. This episode briefly touched base on whether John McCain thought John Stewart was being fair to republicans. McCain believes that Stewart is funny but does not have fair or right information about republican situations. Stewart pokes fun at McCain by talking about how both are wrong about different events that have happened in the past.  He wants McCain to come onto the show and have a “Wrong Off” to see you is more wrong. Then Stewart briefly spoke about Rupert Murdock, and how he was planning to buy Time Warner for $80 billion dollars however, Time Warner said no. Then states that Murdock has been able to buy out companies in the past if he kept persisting to buy them. Later, the show talks briefly about a story about a woman who was pulled over by the police to hand over her cash, or they would have to take her children, because the police believed that the woman was intending to sell drugs. Lastly, John Stewart, spoke with his guest Richard Linklater, who spoke about his new movie “Boy Hood”. A story that he had filmed about a boy and his life over a span of 12 years, from when he was 6 to age 19 This filmed was actually taken place over 12 year which is unlike any other typical movie.

After watching this episode I found that most the information covered was skimmed over and did not truly give an actual news story. The majority of the show was about Stewart defending his character from McCain instead of talking about more pressing news that is occurring in the world. Although, what McCain said about Stewart can be considered news. It seemed to me that the show lacks a focus for what stories were more important than others. Such as, the Malaysian plane that was shot down in the Ukraine or even a story about the immigrants coming into the United States illegally and what President Obama’s plans were in order to solve this issue, and instead was brushed off completely to tell the story of being disliked by McCain. I feel that most of what is shown on the show also degrades the quality of the news, because I have seen that the video clips from other news stations that are portrayed on the Daily Show only shows specific parts of the clip that they want their viewers to see in order to show how ridiculous other news stations are being if their views do not agree with John Stewarts. I believe that people should still go to actual news stations, in order to receive more accurate information, and less commentary information. The show to me seems more of like a headline in a newspaper that briefly states some event instead of stating factual information that can be backed up. It is meant more to people as a comedy than an reliable new station for a normal basis.

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